Thursday, May 29, 2008

Struggles of a sinner

The world doesn't revolve around me.
I'd like to think it does.
But I know it doesn't.

All the turmoil in the world.
All the destruction.
All the unrest.

Why am I spared?
Why am I happy?

When others feel like they have no hope.

Why all the injustice?

I feel guilty for all I have.
Yet I know that it's not my fault.
Should I deny myself pleasure because others are suffering?
I hope to never take what I have for granted.

I'm grateful. Thankful. Overwhelmed.

I hope to cling to what's important.

One day I'll go home and be with my Saviour. But for now I'm happy this side of heaven. It's not always easy, but for the most part, God has been good.

People need the Lord.
People need the Lord.

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