Monday, January 1, 2007

Cheers to a new year, and a glorious one past

How eventful is it for me to start my new year creating a blog. Guess the main reason for this is because in less than 2 months i'll be in a far far away land, far far away from my friends and family (and, most importantly, my FOOD).

This blog will (hopefully) help in my efforts to keep in touch with me loved ones here at home. (Though the concept of "home" is relative and highly temporary)...

I will try to update regularly. Though past attempts at maintaining a blog proved futile. But I will try my darnest. Promise. I will also try to come to terms with the voyeur (think clean guys) in me, or lack there of. I find the whole notion of online identities/personas disgustingly self-gratifying and indulgent. But I will try. Try to use this blog as an effective form of communication, and as a platform to share my views on things that i think matter. Like Jesus and Salvation and Man's inherent sinfulness and why pink is my favourite colour. Amongst other things.

So to all who will read this blog to humour me. Thank you. Do drop by from time to time and encourage me to keep at it- blogging and the Christian Life, (in reverse order of importance).


Anonymous said...

Sarahchewedraisins and got a big stomachache buahahahahaha

laggist said...

hi sarah!! keep posting!!

Chouchou ch'boogie said...

Put more funny photos of yourself too! I'm sure you've got lotsa them... ;)

Anonymous said...

hahahhahaha sarah u bimbo!! put a tag board! -.- :))

Anonymous said...

hahahhahaha sarah u bimbo!! put a tag board! -.- :))

gabriel said...

wor haolian your engrish lah. who say i let you link me hahaha.

joey said...

hi sarah! i'm using the same template too! love the pink! i shall link you then! =)
~ joanna

keeevin said...

welcome sararrarah to blogosphere.. :)

Just when Digital Life 2007 predicts the demise of blogging, you join.

Ah well, better late than never. ;)

I'm gonna add u in my links!

And ya, Cynric's spastic, but he's right, add a tagboard. :)

clare* said...

sarah get a nice little tagboard then i can tag everyday HAHAHAA now wouldnt you love that ;)

bra said...

hello SARAHRAH chew!! This s DEBORAHRAH! You ought to link me since I have ALREADY linked ME!